The newest Poverty Progress Profiles are here!

Canada Without Poverty is pleased the announce the release of our most recent Poverty Progress Profiles. 

All levels of government are responsible for ensuring that people in Canada have access to an adequate standard of living. Our new format this year provides a human rights analysis of provincial and territorial efforts to reduce poverty from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Although eliminating poverty requires all levels of government to work collaboratively, the federal government must play a strong leadership role by committing to a national anti-poverty strategy that is based in human rights.

Does your province or territory have a poverty plan? Are they taking a human rights approach? Read more here or click the cover page below to find out! French translation will follow shortly.

CWP is  able to produce the Poverty Progress Profiles only through the support of our national community. By donating to our work, you can ensure CWP remains a strong advocate for the economic and social rights of all people as we work towards a poverty-free Canada.