Canada Without Poverty has submitted a brief to the Standing Committee on Finance’s Pre-Budget Consultations in advance of the 2019 budget, calling for the government to take immediate steps to ensure that all people in Canada have access to an adequate standard of living.
2019 is a critical time for Canada. We have just over a decade to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including the elimination of poverty, gender inequality, and hunger globally and domestically. If Canada is serious about increasing economic competitiveness – the theme of this year’s budget consultation – we need to invest in social programming that makes that possible. That’s why our recommendations this year include increasing federal investment in spending on childcare and the implementation of a national affordable childcare framework, because increasing female labour force participation by reducing barriers like inaccessible childcare is key to faster economic growth. We’re also calling for increases to income security programs like the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and for the acceleration of the implementation of programs like the Canada Housing Benefit, set to come out in 2020.
Read more in our 2019 submission here or click on the image below.