In March-April 2017, Canada will be reviewed for its compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Canada ratified the Convention in 2010 which makes this the first review cycle that applies to Canada. Like other treaty body reviews, both the federal government and relevant NGOs – including CWP – will participate throughout the process.
The first step is to provide a written submission to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. For NGOs, the written submission details ongoing issues and concerns about the state’s human rights record. CWP has provided our submission to the Committee which highlights concerns about the following issues:
- The intersection between poverty and disability in Canada
- The lack of access to legal remedies for violations of economic and social rights
- State failure to implement economic and social rights for people with disabilities in Canada
- State failure to use its maximum available resources to address these problems, as required under article 28 of the CRPD
To read CWP’s full submission, click here. CWP will be attending the review in Geneva and will update this page with information about the review.