Pledge to End Poverty

Have you taken The Pledge?

For the price of a cup of coffee, you can help end poverty in Canada!

The Pledge to End Poverty is our monthly giving program. For as little as 3 dollars a month you are helping Canada Without Poverty continue to develop and produce dynamic and influential programs, research and advocacy – like our Poverty Progress Profiles, our Economic and Social Human Rights Courses, or our work assessing Canada’s compliance with human rights at the United Nations.

Monthly donors have made it possible for us to develop effective awareness and policy action. This past year, in conjunction with Citizens for Public Justice, we launched the ChewOnThis! campaign, to raise awareness about the continually rising use of food banks in Canada. Volunteers across Canada collected over 3000 postcards and 2000 online signatures addressed to the Prime Minister calling for national poverty elimination plan. In February of 2015, CPJ and CWP produced a model anti-poverty plan, entitled Dignity for All. The plan has received national attention and endorsements from policy makers and elected officials.

Dignity for All and ChewOnThis! were made possible because of the support from those who took the Pledge to End Poverty. As a monthly donor, your impact on Canada Without Poverty is tremendous.

Your generosity enables us to better plan for the year ahead, reduces costs and enables us to continue to grow and represent those living in poverty across Canada.

By becoming a monthly donor, you are joining hundreds of people across Canada in moving forward committing to end poverty once and for all.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Development Coordinator, James Armbruster at james[at] or by phone at 613-789-0096 or 1-800-810-1076.