Category News

A federal budget without solutions or vision

A drop hitting water.

Yesterday, between Olympic athletic triumphs and medal ceremonies, the federal budget came into public view with very little to offer, in particular for people struggling to make ends meet.   With little surprise, the budget focused on the deficit and left…

New Report Shows 4 million People Food Insecure

A drop hitting water.

Yesterday the research group PROOF (part of the Canadian Institute of Health Research)  released an updated report on household food insecurity in Canada. Looking at 2012 data the numbers show an increase in food security in the country: 4 million…

Groups Gather to Find Solutions to Poverty and Poor Health

A drop hitting water.

Last week 38 representatives of national health organizations, social justice groups, unions, First Nations and Inuit populations, and faith based organizations gathered in Ottawa to join Dignity for All: the campaign for a poverty-free Canada in crafting policy recommendations on…

20 years ago Canada had a housing plan

A drop hitting water.

Many of you probably did not know that this is an anniversary month. Twenty years ago in January 1994 the federal government cancelled new long-term investments in social housing.   This meant provinces were left to pick up the pieces after…

Federal Funding Transfers to be Renewed in 2014

A drop hitting water.

As we move into 2014 there are a number of issues to watch for, but one in particular stands out.  Over the next few months the government will renew funding agreements for the Canada Health Transfer and Canada Social Transfer. …

Min Moore: The Feds do have a responsibility for poverty

A drop hitting water.

After a media storm of criticism following his callous remarks in the media last week that feeding hungry kids is not his problem, Minister James Moore apologized. CWP’s Executive Director, Leilani Farha responds on Rabble today explaining why poverty, and…

Federal Inequality Report & Welfare 2012 Update

A drop hitting water.

Two reports were released this week that deserve attention. The Caledon Institute released their national snapshot of welfare incomes, and the federal Finance Committee released the results of their study on income inequality.  Short overviews of both are below: Welfare…

HP Blog: Time for action to end child poverty

A drop hitting water.

Campaign 2000 released their annual child poverty report card yesterday with updates both nationally and in various regions across the country.  To  help raise awareness, we posted a blog on the Huffington Post Canada website and shared some of the…

National Housing Day and still no strategy in place

A drop hitting water.

November 22 is National Housing Day and organizations across the country are making a point to mark the day publicly so as to draw attention to the  dire housing and homelessness situation in Canada.  Deemed as an ’emergency’ and ‘crisis’…