Category News

Fight for the Right to Food Continues

A drop hitting water.

Today, the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier de Schutter, presented his report on his May 2012 mission to Canada to the United Nations. He reiterated his recommendations from the written final report submitted in December 2012, and concerns…

The TRUTH about Bill C-400

A drop hitting water.

On behalf of the Conservative government, Tony Clement has spoken out against C-400 calling it a “dangerous new NDP spending scheme” for more social housing. This is a completely false characterization of Bill C-400. Let’s be very clear: 1)      Bill…

Governments can Choose to End Homelessness

A drop hitting water.

Tomorrow is “V-day” – the day that Members of Parliament vote on a bill for a national housing strategy. Known as Bill C-400, this bill has been around the block through parliament before (formerly known as C-304 under the previous…

HP Blog: Homelessness in a Land of Plenty

A drop hitting water.

A new blog was posted by CWP on the Huffington Post Canada website today in support of federal leadership on housing.  Canada has thousands of people homeless and estimates that millions are housing insecure.  We believe all levels of government…

Important Notice to Monthly Donors

A drop hitting water.

Dear supporters, We are immediately re-issuing tax receipts for 2012 monthly donations due to an error which resulted in a miscalculation.  Our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience. Your support is highly valued, and we are happy to answer any questions…

We Stand Shoulder-to-Shoulder with Idle No More

A drop hitting water.

Executive Director Leilani Farha has co-authored an Op-Ed posted in the Toronto Star today with other leading national organizations stating our support for Idle No More: While polls have shown that many Canadians might prefer flash mobs to bridge blockades…

Housing in Canada – Increasingly Unaffordable

A drop hitting water.

Thousands of people visibly and invisibly homeless, millions more housing insecure and housing affordability is dropping; Canada is in the midst of a housing crisis.  Various programs and policies are in place across the country, but what is missing is…

Employment Insurance Changes Take Effect

A drop hitting water.

Last June the Omnibus budget Bill, C-38, was passed which pushed through legislated changes to the Employment Insurance (EI) system that were deemed detrimental to unemployed individuals across the country, but especially in the Atlantic provinces.  This past Sunday the…

2013: A Year to End Poverty

Every New Year there is an undercurrent of excitement of untapped opportunities.  A sense of possibility and hopefulness that change will happen.  This New Year is no different as a number of upcoming meetings, debates and movements are getting greater…

Human Rights Day – where does Canada stand?

A drop hitting water.

*This is message from Leilani Farha, Executive Director, Canada Without Poverty It’s human rights day. And the silence is audible. Funny how, on the one day a year when we are meant to talk about universal human rights, like rights…