Tag right to food

Food insecurity indicator of poor progress on poverty

A drop hitting water.

*Guest blog by Rachel Loopstra of the PROOF research team Definitions of poverty are often contested and there remains no official poverty measure in Canada.  How much income is enough? Should income measures be consumption-based or relative, or is it…

Fight for the Right to Food Continues

A drop hitting water.

Today, the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier de Schutter, presented his report on his May 2012 mission to Canada to the United Nations. He reiterated his recommendations from the written final report submitted in December 2012, and concerns…

Huffington Post: Food is a Right

We talk about the right to free speech and we challenge racial discrimination, but we don’t often speak of economic and social rights or challenge the loss of dignity.  It is high time this conversation took flight in Canada. Last…