Year 2012

Human Rights Day – where does Canada stand?

A drop hitting water.

*This is message from Leilani Farha, Executive Director, Canada Without Poverty It’s human rights day. And the silence is audible. Funny how, on the one day a year when we are meant to talk about universal human rights, like rights…

Finding remedies to food insecurity

Throughout the past year there has been a significant amount of attention on food insecurity in Canada, from the conversation on food banks to the visit of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food.  More people became…

Inequality in Canada is getting greater attention

This week a number news outlets and organizations posted articles on inequality. Here are a few excerpts from pieces that are worth a read: Following a report by the Fraser Institute on income mobility that watered down the reality of…

Child poverty worse now than it was 20 years ago

Twenty-three years ago the federal government made a commitment to end child poverty by the year 2000.  Now, decades later, the government is reminded of its failure to follow through on this unanimous motion through annual child poverty reports released…

How do you know when you are out of poverty?

*Blog by Canada Without Poverty Board President, Harriett McLachlan That’s an interesting question that’s been turning in my mind lately. I think it’s easier for me to identify when I am living in poverty, the markers are clear and palatable.…

Poverty in Rural BC Needs Attention

A recent poll conducted by the BC Healthy Living Alliance highlighted the fact that 78% of British Columbians feel that it is “important or very important” for the government to address poverty in the province.  In fact, one of the…

Huffington Post: Canada Needs a Poverty Plan

October was a month that focused on poverty issues, from the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on the 17th, to reports by Citizens for Public Justice and Food Banks Canada that highlighted the need to address poverty in…

Because Poetry Rocks, and Poverty Sucks

*By CWP Volunteer Emily Shoff Ottawa poets slammed down poverty at an evening that left a crowd “Empow-WORD”. Honoring the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17th, together Public Service Alliance of Canada and Canada Without Poverty…

Report supports transformation of welfare in Ontario

After 22 months of consultations, discussion and analysis, the final report on the Ontario Social Assistance Review was released yesterday.  “Brighter Prospects: Transforming Social Assistance in Ontario” offers over 180 pages of information on the current welfare system and how…

Day to Eradicate Poverty Re-Cap

What a week!  Last week blew by with events and statements calling for the end of poverty in Canada. October 17th, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, was  point of convergence where members of society, political parties and…

International Day to Eradicate Poverty

Today marks the United Nations designated International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.  Around the world people are working to raise awareness of the plight of those struggling with low-income. Here are a few events  CWP is involved with: Dignity…

Offer homes and stability, not punishment

CWP Board Member for the Yukon and member of the Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition, Reanna Mohamed, wrote a letter to her local paper about addressing the root causes of addictions and poor behaviour: poverty.  Policing poverty will not end the cycle…