Category News

Poverty Act Introduced in the BC Legislature

A drop hitting water.

Yesterday, the official opposition in BC presented a private members anti-poverty Bill for the province.  NDP MLA Shane Simpson introduced the “BC Poverty Reduction Act”, which proposes the establishment of poverty targets and measures, and most importantly, government accountability. Within…

Government ignores HUMA Committee call for poverty plan

A drop hitting water.

Last November a stellar report on poverty in Canada was released by the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Committee (HUMA). Titled, “Federal Poverty Reduction Plan: Working in Partnership Towards…

Calling for Fairness in Aboriginal Education

A drop hitting water.

A lack of adequate resources for the education of youth across the country is a serious issue that has obvious affects on poverty.  Quite possibly this issue is most seriously illuminated in Attawapiskat, Ontario near Timmins, where Aboriginal education is in a…

Lack of funding for schools = more stress for families

A drop hitting water.

VESTA’s   (Vancouver Elementary School Teacher’s Association) Anti-Poverty Committee is made up of a group of teachers who are committed to raising awareness, and identifying and finding solutions that address the impact of poverty on students in their school system.  They are also concerned about the economic…

Poverty: A serious threat to brain development

A drop hitting water.

The National Centre for Children in Poverty says that “…poverty poses serious threats to children’s brain development.” How exactly? When a baby is born, their exposure to positive or negative stimulation will influence