Year 2012

The pressing need for adequate housing in Canada

  Next week is Homelessness Action Week across British Columbia, which is timely considering the debate on Bill C-400, An Act to Ensure Secure, Adequate, Accessible and Affordable housing for Canadians, is set to take place in the House of…

CWP ED Speaking at the UN on Women’s Rights

This week during the 21st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC), new CWP Executive Director Leilani Farha will speak to the importance of integrating a gender perspective when considering economic and social rights, and more specifically, the…

Anti-Poverty Advocates call for National Food Strategy

Guelph & Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination, the Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington, and the Food Access Working Group of the Guelph-Wellington Food Round Table have recently sent a letter to MP Valeriote, MP Chong, MP Schellenberger, and…

Announcing Leilani Farha as CWP’s new Executive Director

Canada Without Poverty is pleased to announce that on September 5th Leilani Farha will become the organization’s new Executive Director.  Leilani is a leading expert and advocate on economic and social human rights, especially for women.  She has a long history promoting…

Welcome to CWP’s four new Board members!

Canada Without Poverty is pleased to announce the appointment of four new members to its Board of Directors: Derek Cook of Calgary (for an At-Large seat), George Lessard of Yellowknife (for the NT seat), Wayne MacNaughton of Halifax (for the…

CMA Poll: Low income causes poor health

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) released their 12th annual National Report Card on Health Care this week on August 13th.  Surveys were conducted online and via telephone with 1004 randomly selected participants by the Ipsos Household Panel.  Their findings confirm…

CWP 2012 Pre-Budget Submission

Canada Without Poverty has sent a submission to the federal finance committee applying to appear in the fall and present recommendations for the upcoming 2013 budget.  Aligned with previous presentations, the submission captures the reality of poverty across the country…

Time for a Poverty Prevention Strategy

How do you prevent youth, living in poor disadvantaged communities, from resorting to desperate acts to help them feel a sense of worth and social inclusion?  By investing in community security and policing initiatives or into their lives, futures, and…

Huffington Post: Premiers should discuss EI changes

In advance of the meeting of the Council of the Federation this week (the annual meeting of the 13 premiers from all provinces and territories), Canada Without Poverty blogged on the Huffington Post about the effects Employment Insurance changes will…

Inequality makes Canadians sick

The most influential social determinant of health is income.  As inequality grows in Canada, so will the costs to health care and society as more people succumb to physical and mental illness.  That is the main point in the Toronto…

Budget Bill Passes in the Senate

After much protest, Bill C-38, the omnibus budget bill passed third reading in the Senate last Friday (to see how Senators voted click here).  This gargantuan bill that went well beyond consideration for federal financial measures (aka: a budget) and…