Tag social determinants of health

Filling health care gaps, addressing stress

April is a time with a lot of national and international observances and this week we rolled over into both Stress Awareness Month and National Oral Health Month – two areas where we can see the overwhelming and growing inequality…

Poverty Kills: CWP on CTV commenting on CMA report

A drop hitting water.

Leilani Farha, CWP’s Executive Director, was interviewed on CTV’s PM Express in July following the release of the Canadian Medial Association report that explicitly connects poverty to poor health and early death. As a result of cross-Canada consultations on the…

For better health you must address poverty

A drop hitting water.

Yesterday, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) added their voices to the call for a national poverty strategy.  As a result of cross-Canada consultations on the social determinants of health, the CMA has concluded that to improve health four main areas…

CMA Poll: Low income causes poor health

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) released their 12th annual National Report Card on Health Care this week on August 13th.  Surveys were conducted online and via telephone with 1004 randomly selected participants by the Ipsos Household Panel.  Their findings confirm…

Inequality makes Canadians sick

The most influential social determinant of health is income.  As inequality grows in Canada, so will the costs to health care and society as more people succumb to physical and mental illness.  That is the main point in the Toronto…

A Photographic Exploration of Housing and Health

*Written by Surita Parashar –  facilitator for “The Way I See It” Housing instability is a growing problem in British Columbia, particularly in the city of Vancouver. Approximately 133,000 renter households in BC report having difficulty meeting their core housing…