Pushed Out: Discrimination in Ontario’s Public Libraries

UPDATE: On May 25, 2016, CWP’s Executive Director, Leilani Farha, wrote to the Kingston Library Board expressing our concerns with the Kingston Library Code of Conduct.
UPDATE: On May 25, 2016, CWP’s Executive Director, Leilani Farha, wrote to the Kingston Library Board expressing our concerns with the Kingston Library Code of Conduct.
Happy International Women’s Day 2016 to our friends, followers and fellow feminist allies everywhere! Remember those #HeyGirl Ryan Gosling memes? Well today, we’re having some fun and celebrating #IWD2016 with our own version of these memes based on ‘things we…
New from CWP: Leilani Farha, CWP’s Executive Director and UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing sheds light on the recent announcement by the federal government to undertake a nation-wide homeless count.
Happy Human Rights Day 2015! This week, we asked the question #WhyRights in the pursuit to end poverty? We heard answers from people across the country and put them all together in the word cloud below! To get a closer…
Tomorrow marks International Human Rights Day, a chance for those passionate about rights to celebrate their work in the pursuit to end poverty in Canada. To celebrate, CWP has created our #WhyRights blog series where guest authors explore the reasons…
This week, to celebrate Human Rights Day 2015, we’re hearing from people across the country on #WhyRights matter to them. In today’s piece, James Armbruster, CWP’s Communications and Development Coordinator, explores what rights should mean to our federal government.
Next Thursday, on Human Rights Day 2015, communities across the world will launch a year-long international campaign celebrating the 50th anniversary of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Almost 1.4 million children (approximately 1 in 5) are living in poverty in Canada. Last week, as our colleagues at Campaign 2000 released their 2015 Report Card on Child and Family Poverty in Canada, people across the country were struck…
What does the arrival of 25,000 Syrian refugees mean for those already experiencing poverty in Canada? We think that it means a real opportunity for long term social policy change for those living in poverty.
Over the past week CWP has been celebrating the news from Prime Minister Trudeau – after years of pushing the government to take action, Canada will have a national anti-poverty plan. This news is very encouraging, although there is a…
Today, Food Banks Canada released the 2015 Hunger Count report. For the anti-poverty community this report is critical to our understanding of the experience of poverty, particularly as it relates to reliance on food banks throughout each province and territory.
For immediate release OTTAWA (13 November 2015) – Canada Without Poverty (CWP) is encouraged to see that Prime Minister Trudeau has instructed the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos, to commit to the relief of poverty…